ISAGER KIT | GAVSTRIK Shawl amuhibi color "fog"
ISAGER KIT | GAVSTRIK Shawl amuhibi color "fog"
- 商品説明
- English
- ポイント制度
Isager gavstrikショールの、amuhibiオリジナルカラーバージョンです。
amuhibi color fog
GAVSTRIK Shawlは、飽きずに編める、面白いパターンも魅力です。こちらのキットには日本語訳のパターンがついています。(A4サイズ計8枚)。amuhibiではLサイズのみ、迷わず編んでいただけるチェックシートをおつけしています。amuhibiでお買い上げの方のみの特典です。その段ですることが表になっていますので、安心して編み進められます。
メインカラー:isager alpaca1 2色各1玉、isager spinni 2色各50g
ポイントカラー:isager spinni 6色各10g
メインカラー:isager alpaca1 2色各1玉、isager spinni 2色各50g
ポイントカラー:isager spinni 6色各10g
BASEの糸が不足されたお客様へBASE Spinnie ±10gの商品のご案内です。
amuhibi color fog
Based on natural colors, the coloring of this fog is soft and gentle. It will be useful when you want a bright color around your neck or when you coordinate with white as a base color.
GAVSTRIK Shawl also has an interesting pattern that you can knit without getting bored. This kit comes with a Japanese translation of the pattern. (This is a special offer only for those who purchase at amuhibi. The checklist shows what to do in each step, so you can proceed with your knitting without any worries.
The checklist will be sent as a PDF file to the e-mail address you provided when you made your purchase. This is a free service.
The use of the kit, knitting diagrams, and check sheets for any purpose other than personal use, such as resale or transfer to a friend, is strictly prohibited.
Kit Contents
Main color: 1 ball each of 2 colors of isager alpaca1, 50g each of 2 colors of isager spinni
Point color: 10g each of 6 colors of isager spinni
Japanese translation pattern M, L size (text pattern, A4 size),
Japanese translation pattern comes with amuhibi's original check sheet as a service item (L size only, PDF data)
Yarn set contents
Main color: 1 ball each of 2 colors of isager alpaca1, 50g each of 2 colors of isager spinni
Point color: 10g each of 6 colors of isager spinni
*Yarn sets are available for those who purchase the second and subsequent pieces at amuhibi. Japanese patterns and attached check sheets are not included in the yarn set, so please purchase the “kit” if you need them. Also, amuhibi check sheets are a service that comes with Isager patterns, so we cannot send check sheets to those who have already purchased patterns from other stores. Please understand the above before making your purchase.
For customers who have run out of BASE yarn, we are pleased to offer the BASE Spinnie ±10g product.
This product is made by splitting 50g cassette yarn, and since some of the original cassette yarn is less than 50g, it is ±10g. Please be assured that the amount of yarn length is sufficient for the additional yarn.
What you need besides this kit
Needles: 3.5mm double-pointed needles (double-ended needles) *These are used for knitting i-code, but circular needles can be substituted. i-code is easier to knit with shorter cords, so if you have a shorter cord, please switch to that.
80 cm (or longer) / 3.5 mm circular needles, scissors for cutting yarn, blocking wire (if available)
お買い物 100 円ごとに 1 ポイント
●アルパカ会員さま(直近 6 ヶ月以内のご購入金額合計 30,000 円以上)
お買い物 100 円ごとに 3 ポイント
●カシミア会員さま(直近 6 ヶ月以内のご購入金額合計 150,000 円以上)
お買い物 100 円ごとに 10 ポイント
※ポイントの付与・ご利用には会員登録が必要です。 会員登録せずにお買い物されると、ポイントが付与されませんのでご注意ください。
※会員ランクは毎月 1 日に切り替わります。
※発送もしくは店頭受け取りからポイントが取得されるまでの期間は 7 日間となります。
※ポイントの有効期間は発行より 6 ヶ月間です。 ポイントの有効期限が切れて使えなくなるタイミングは、日本時間の午前 0 時 0 分 0 秒です。