編む日々と猫 | メモパッド
編む日々と猫 | メモパッド
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paper massegeさんとのコラボ商品のメモパッドです。裏面にカラーのイラストがプリントされたフリーのメモ。差し入れや友達へのプチプレゼントのメッセージカードにも使えそう。
今回のコラボでは、猫をモチーフに、というお話をいただき、ぜひこの3兄妹を描いて欲しいとお願いしました。「編む日々と猫」というテーマにぴったりな3匹の子猫たち。描いてくださったのはpaper massegeの大久保淳子さん。可愛い3匹の兄妹猫が、ひとときみなさんの癒しになれば嬉しいです。(梅本)
paper messageさんのこと
paper messageさんは高知県にある印刷会社が母体の、可愛い紙ものグッズのお店です。紙や印刷の面白さ、可能性をよりたくさんのお客様に伝えるために、2009年高知にお店をオープンされました。現在は東京の吉祥寺、そして大阪市に店舗を構え、オリジナル商品の販売や印刷のオーダーなど、紙にまつわる様々なことを提案しています。現在は専属イラストレーターによるオリジナル商品の製作販売、ウェディングペーパーアイテムの提案にも力を入れています。店内の商品はすべてオリジナルで、現在商品数は5000点にも及びます。
The illustration depicts three brother and sister cats that were suddenly brought to the balcony of my house by their mother cat. They were only 3-month-old kittens when they were brought in, and they always cuddled up to each other, learned social skills among the older cats, and safely became adult cats in the spring of 2024, around the time this merchandise was produced. Although they had some congenital diseases such as Mafu's epilepsy and Mugi's intestinal deformity, the kittens were mischievous, cheerful, and loved to play pranks. Watching them grow up was like knitting an elaborate shawl, a little bit bigger and more difficult to knit, day after day, unlike living with adult cats.
For this collaboration, we were told to use cats as a motif, and we asked the artist to draw these three siblings. The three kittens fit perfectly with the theme of “knitting days and cats. They were drawn by Junko Okubo of paper massege. We would be happy if these three adorable kittens could bring you comfort for a moment. (Umemoto)
Size: 128mm x 91mm
Number of sheets: 80
Material: paper
About the cats
Muff: Born in the spring of 2023, Muff is the youngest of three siblings and the only longhair. Because of congenital epilepsy and urolithiasis, he and his siblings are kept by the Umemoto family. All movements are slow. We named him Muff because only the area around his neck is white like he is wearing a scarf.
Chiro: He loves his sister so much that when she has a seizure, he flies to her no matter where she is. Chiro grooms his sister's fur and gives away her toys, and teaches me about love every day.
Mugi: He was sheltered the latest compared to his other siblings. Perhaps because he knows the pain of hunger, he eats more and faster than anyone else. We felt sorry for him and felt sorry for restricting his diet, so he grew up to be the biggest cat in our house.
About paper message
paper message is a cute paper goods store owned by a printing company in Kochi Prefecture. They opened their store in Kochi in 2009 in order to share the fun and possibilities of paper and printing with as many customers as possible. Currently, the company has stores in Kichijoji, Tokyo, and Osaka City, and offers a variety of paper-related services, including the sale of original products and printing orders. Currently, we are also focusing on the production and sale of original products by our exclusive illustrator and proposals for wedding paper items. All products in the store are original, and the number of products currently stands at 5,000.
お買い物 100 円ごとに 1 ポイント
●アルパカ会員さま(直近 6 ヶ月以内のご購入金額合計 30,000 円以上)
お買い物 100 円ごとに 3 ポイント
●カシミア会員さま(直近 6 ヶ月以内のご購入金額合計 150,000 円以上)
お買い物 100 円ごとに 10 ポイント
※ポイントの付与・ご利用には会員登録が必要です。 会員登録せずにお買い物されると、ポイントが付与されませんのでご注意ください。
※会員ランクは毎月 1 日に切り替わります。
※発送もしくは店頭受け取りからポイントが取得されるまでの期間は 7 日間となります。
※ポイントの有効期間は発行より 6 ヶ月間です。 ポイントの有効期限が切れて使えなくなるタイミングは、日本時間の午前 0 時 0 分 0 秒です。