KNIT BOOK2nd_03 FAV BOBBLE糸セット| amuhibi
KNIT BOOK2nd_03 FAV BOBBLE糸セット| amuhibi
¥17,880 JPY
¥17,880 JPY
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こちらは梅本の著書「amuhibi KNITBOOK 2nd」に掲載の作品を編む糸セットです。編み図はついておりませんので、本をご用意ください。
Wooldreamers RINCONADA
ピンク (Coral 626V Base Niebla)→M6 かせ L7 かせ
DARUMA Cheviot Wool 色番号#7コルク
M15玉 L17玉
棒 針 8 号(US7 号 4.5mm) 6 号(US6 号 4.0mm)
M:胸囲 116cm 丈 62.5cm ゆき丈 68cm
L:胸囲 124cm 丈 65.5cm ゆき丈 71.5cm
かのこ編み 22 目・28 段(10cm)
模様編 み A・A’ は 1 模様 11 目が 5.5cm
B は 1 模様 13 目が 4cm
C・C’ は 1 模様 11 目が 6cm
D は 1 模様 7 目が 3.5cm
D’・D’’ は 1 模様 9 目が 4cm
E・F は 1 模様 23 目が 10cm
G は 1 模様 15 目が 7cm
模様編みすべて 10cm で 28 段
To tell the truth, I have always had a bit of a weakness for bobbles (ball knitting). I think it's because that sweet and cute image doesn't suit me, but I decided that I shouldn't keep running away from it and decided to design my own “bobbled sweater. I put them together in a row, and they looked nice and fanny, just the way I like it. The bobbles were fun to knit, and I even ended up sticking out the cuffs. I ended up with a sweater that put me in a very good mood.
This is a set of yarn for knitting the pieces in Umemoto's book “amuhibi KNITBOOK 2nd”. No knitting diagram is included, so please prepare your own book.
DARUMA Cheviot Wool color #7 cork
M15 balls L17 balls
What to prepare
Needle No. 8 (US No. 7, 4.5mm) No. 6 (US No. 6, 4.0mm)
M: chest circumference 116cm, length 62.5cm, length at the waist 68cm
L: Chest circumference 124 cm, length 65.5 cm, length at the waist 71.5 cm
22 sts, 28 rows (10cm)
Pattern A, A': 1 pattern, 11 stitches 5.5cm
B: 1 pattern, 13 stitches, 4cm
C, C': 1 pattern, 11 stitches, 6cm
D: 1 pattern, 7 stitches, 3.5cm
D', D''': 1 pattern, 9 eyes, 4cm E and F: 1 pattern, 23 eyes, 10cm G is 1 pattern, 15 stitches, 7cm 28 rows of 10cm for all knitting patterns
M15 balls L17 balls
What to prepare
Needle No. 8 (US No. 7, 4.5mm) No. 6 (US No. 6, 4.0mm)
M: chest circumference 116cm, length 62.5cm, length at the waist 68cm
L: Chest circumference 124 cm, length 65.5 cm, length at the waist 71.5 cm
22 sts, 28 rows (10cm)
Pattern A, A': 1 pattern, 11 stitches 5.5cm
B: 1 pattern, 13 stitches, 4cm
C, C': 1 pattern, 11 stitches, 6cm
D: 1 pattern, 7 stitches, 3.5cm
D', D''': 1 pattern, 9 eyes, 4cm E and F: 1 pattern, 23 eyes, 10cm G is 1 pattern, 15 stitches, 7cm 28 rows of 10cm for all knitting patterns
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