midori hirose 糸セット | WHITE MOUNTAIN ノースリーブ
midori hirose 糸セット | WHITE MOUNTAIN ノースリーブ
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- English
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【広瀬みどりさんより、WHITE MOUNTAINSについて】
シンプルだけど少し個性的なラグランスリーブのセーターを編んでみました. パターンの名前White Mountains (ホワイトマウンテンズ)は, ギリシャのLefka Ori (レフカオリ, ギリシャ語で白い山脈)という山の名前から拝借しています.
―Midori Hirose
Kidsilk Haze | ROWAN
- 重さ:25g
- 長さ:約210m
- 素材:70% スーパーキッドモヘア 、30% シルク
Silk Mohair | ISAGER
- 重さ:25g
- 長さ:212m
- 素材:スーパーキッドモヘア 75%,シルク25%
※ノースリーブを編むためには、セーターの編み方を載せたパターン(ファイル名: white-mountains-jp-ver-1-1.pdf)と、ノースリーブの編み方を載せた別ファイル(ファイル名: white-mountains-sleeveless-jp-ver-1-0.pdf)が必要です。パターンをダウンロードするときに2つのファイルの日本語版を選んでダウンロードして下さい。
★デザイン:Midori Hirose
2XS(XS, S, M1)(M2, L, XL, 2XL) (3XL, 4XL, 5XL, 6XL)
バスト周りの仕上がり寸法: 111.5(115.5, 120, 124.5)(130, 135.5, 143, 148.5)(154.5, 164.5, 174.5, 183)cm
バストのゆとり: 34cm
A メリヤス編みの針(1番太い針)を身頃に使用
C 細いゴム編みの針(mm単位の針サイズでメリヤス編みより3サイズ小さい針)を首周りのリブに使用。
D I-cordの針(Aと同じ、もしくは1サイズ小さい針)
A 6.5mm/US 10.5/日本規格15号
B 4.5mm/US 7/日本規格8号
C 4.5mm/US 7/日本規格8号
D4.5mm/US 7/日本規格8号
14目22段 = 10cm, メリヤス編みの針を使って編んだ「メリヤス編み」を水通ししてブロッキング
ステッチマーカー9個(マーカーの色を3色で使い分ける: 袖の増し目4個、身頃の増し目4個、段の終わり1個)、余り糸、とじ針、メジャー(試着しながら編む時にあると便利です)、段数マーカー。
About WHITE MOUNTAINS from Midori Hirose I knit a simple but unique sweater with raglan sleeves. The name of the pattern, White Mountains, is borrowed from the name of a mountain in Greece, Lefka Ori (White Mountains in Greek).
When knitting in a sleeveless arrangement, it is very easy to change the bust finish size. It is also possible to combine the neck circumference and bust in different sizes. For example, if you knit the neck in 2XL and the bust in S, you can create a knit with a loose neck and a slim bust. Please try various arrangements with your favorite combinations. -Midori Hirose
Kidsilk Haze | ROWAN
Weight: 25g
Length: approx. 210 m
Material: 70% super kid mohair, 30% silk
Silk Mohair | ISAGER
Weight: 25g
Length: 212m
Material: 75% super-kid mohair, 25% silk
About the pattern
This is a yarn set only.
Please download the pattern from here. There is no printed version. The pattern is available only in printed version. To knit the sleeveless version, you will need the pattern with instructions for the sweater (file name: white-mountains-jp-ver-1-1.pdf) and another file with instructions for the sleeveless version (file name: white-mountains-sleeveless-jp-ver-1-0.pdf). -1-0.pdf) is required. Please choose the Japanese version of the two files when downloading the pattern.
Design: Midori Hirose
2XS(XS, S, M1)(M2, L, XL, 2XL) (3XL, 4XL, 5XL, 6XL) Finished bust circumference: 111.5(115.5, 120, 124.5)(130, 135.5, 143, 148.5)(154.5, 164.5, 174.5, 183)cm Bust room: 34 cm
Yarns and required quantities: The yarn characteristics may cause a slight deviation from the calculated required quantities. The yarn count is based on the actual amount of yarn used for each sample.
Needles and preparations
A Needles for knitting meriata (the thickest needles) for the body
B Medium size rubber knitting needles (2 sizes smaller than the knitting needles for the ribs)
C Thin elastic knitting needles (3 sizes smaller than the knitting of the merino in mm needle size) are used for the ribs around the neck.
D I-cord needles (same as A or 1 size smaller needles)
A 6.5mm/US 10.5/Japanese standard 15
B 4.5mm/US 7/Japanese standard #8
C 4.5mm/US 7/Japanese Standard #8
D 4.5mm/US 7/Japanese Standard #8
14 stitches, 22 rows = 10 cm, knit with meriass knitting needles, blocking through water
Other tools
9 stitch markers (3 different colors of markers: 4 sleeve increase markers, 4 body increase markers, 1 end of row marker), extra yarn, binding needles, measuring tape (useful when knitting while test-fitting), and a row marker.
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Downloadable contents cannot be cancelled or returned after purchase.
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お買い物 100 円ごとに 3 ポイント
●カシミア会員さま(直近 6 ヶ月以内のご購入金額合計 150,000 円以上)
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