aroma oil | Garimpeiro de Aromas
aroma oil | Garimpeiro de Aromas
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Garimpeiro de Aromasの精油を嗅ぐといつも、アロマオイルというのは農作物なのだということを思い知らされます。畑で採れたハーブを蒸留してつくる一滴のオイル。毎年取れる草花でつくる精油だから、香りの名前は一緒でも、去年のものと少しだけ違っていたりして、それが「本物の」精油なのだということが、Garimpeiro de Aromasのアロマオイルを嗅ぐと、よくわかるのです。
オーナーの團涼子さんは海外で長くアロマ修行を行い、たくさんの素晴らしい経験を身につけて日本へ帰ってきました。帰ってきた彼女と一緒に作ったのが、amuhibiのオリジナル商品、「knitters hand oil」です。衣類の虫除け効果がある精油だけで作ったハンドオイルで、編み物をさる手とニットの両方を守ることができます。このアイデアを彼女に伝えて作った初めてのオリジナル商品。彼女がいなければ生まれなかった商品です。ショップでは同じ香りのブレンドオイルを焚いており、毛糸に香りがうつるようにしています。
Garimpeiro de Aromasが世界中から見つけてきた、生きた精油の力強い香りと確かな品質を、今回編み物好きのみなさまにも、ぜひお届けしたいと思っています。アロマは自然からいただく知恵です。暮らしにすこしだけ、アロマを一滴加えてみてください。なんだか豊かで柔らかな気持ちになりますよ。
オーストラリア政府認定 ディプロマ・オブ・アロマセラピー。産業カウンセラー。フラワーエッセンス療法士。
セラピー教育に定評のあるNature Care Collegeに於いてディプロマ取得。精油生産者の農場を訪ねて回る。
Tea Tree ティートリー
Bergamot FCF ベルガモット
Geranium ゼラニウム
Orange Sweet オレンジスイート
Grapefruit グレープフルーツ
Lavender ラベンダー
團 涼子 プロフィール
オーストラリア政府認定 ディプロマ・オブ・アロマセラピー。
1998年に精神科の病院に於いてアロマセラピストとしてスタート。ホスピスやサロン、健康関連施設でのアロマテラピーに従事。2005年、「タイにメンタルケアを」という思いからタイ、バンコクへ移住。地場大手百貨店や日本人会でアロマ講師として活動。また、タイのフリーペーパーにアロマコラムを連載。スパの空間プロデュースなどを手掛ける2012年、「現在(いま)」のアロマテラピーを学ぶため、オーストラリア、シドニーへ留学。セラピー教育に定評のあるNature Care Collegeに於いてディプロマ取得。精油生産者の農場を訪ねて回る。2014年に帰国。福岡にてアロマセラピストとして活動中。
The owner, Ms. Ryoko Dan, trained in aromatherapy overseas for a long time and came back to Japan with a lot of great experiences. After returning to Japan, she and I created an original product called “Knitters Hand Oil”. It is a hand oil made only with essential oils that repel insects from clothing, and it protects both knitters' hands and knitwear. This is the first original product I made after sharing this idea with her. It is a product that would not have been created without her. In the store, we burn a blend of oils with the same fragrance so that the scent is imprinted on the yarn.
Garimpeiro de Aromas has found the most powerful fragrances and reliable quality of living essential oils from all over the world, and now we would like to share them with you, the knitting enthusiasts. Aroma is wisdom from nature. Try adding a little drop of aroma to your daily life. It will make you feel rich and soft.
Profile of Ryoko Dan
Diploma of Aromatherapy, Australian Government. Industrial Counselor. Flower Essence Therapist.
Started as an aromatherapist in a psychiatric hospital in 1998. Worked in aromatherapy in hospices, salons and health related facilities.
In 2005, she moved to Bangkok, Thailand with a desire to “bring mental care to Thailand. She worked as an aromatherapy instructor at a major local department store and a Japanese association. She also writes a series of aroma columns for a Thai free newspaper. She is also involved in the production of spa spaces.
In 2012, she went to Sydney, Australia to study aromatherapy in the “present”. Obtained a diploma from Nature Care College, which has an established reputation for therapeutic education. She visited essential oil producers' farms.
Returned to Japan in 2014. She is currently working as an aromatherapist in Fukuoka.
Contents: 5ml
Tea Tree Tea tree
This is a sharp, clear, clean scent that penetrates through the body. It gives the impression of awakening a smoldering body and mind. Tea tree has long been loved by the Aboriginal people of Australia. In Australia, it is also used in various daily products such as toothpaste. Bergamot FCF
Bergamot FCF Bergamot
FCF Bergamot has a soft aroma that combines citrus freshness and floral elegance. The elegant aroma of sweetness and bitterness creates a relaxing atmosphere. It is also widely known for its use in flavoring Earl Grey tea. FCF: Essential oil from which furocoumarin has been removed.
Geranium Geranium
Geranium Geranium has a floral fragrance with a gorgeous, rose-like scent that is well-balanced, calm, and gentle. It has a soft, feminine, feminine scent that is not intrusive and is useful when you want to relax with a calm mind or to create a space for relaxation.
Orange Sweet
A gentle fragrance with a mild sweetness and freshness. It is a warm and relaxing fragrance loved by everyone. In Europe, it is also known as the scent of Christmas.
Grapefruit Grapefruit
Grapefruit has a fresh and refreshing fragrance that is as fresh as the fruit itself. It is not too sweet and has a mild bitterness, making it popular with both men and women.
Grapefruit gets its name from the fact that the fruit looks like a bunch of grapes. The fragrance is full of a sense of resetting and freshness.
Lavender Lavender
A gentle floral fragrance. It has a rich fragrance that reminds one of being in a field of purple lavender. There are many types of lavender, but the most popular type is called “true lavender. The most well-known type of lavender is called “true lavender”.
Handling of essential oil Do not apply undiluted lavender oil directly to skin.
Do not apply undiluted solution directly to skin.
Do not drink.
Keep out of reach of children.
Take care to avoid fire.
Use within 1 year after opening. (Citrus fruits should be used for approximately six months.)
Ryoko Dan Profile
Diploma of Aromatherapy accredited by the Australian Government. Industrial Counselor. Flower Essence Therapist.
Started as an aromatherapist in a psychiatric hospital in 1998. In 2005, she moved to Bangkok, Thailand with a desire to “bring mental health care to Thailand”. She worked as an aromatherapy instructor at a major local department store and a Japanese association. She also writes a series of aroma columns for a Thai free newspaper. In 2012, she went to Sydney, Australia to study aromatherapy in the “present”. She received a diploma from Nature Care College, which has an established reputation for its therapeutic education. Returned to Japan in 2014. She is currently working as an aromatherapist in Fukuoka.
お買い物 100 円ごとに 1 ポイント
●アルパカ会員さま(直近 6 ヶ月以内のご購入金額合計 30,000 円以上)
お買い物 100 円ごとに 3 ポイント
●カシミア会員さま(直近 6 ヶ月以内のご購入金額合計 150,000 円以上)
お買い物 100 円ごとに 10 ポイント
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※ポイントの有効期間は発行より 6 ヶ月間です。 ポイントの有効期限が切れて使えなくなるタイミングは、日本時間の午前 0 時 0 分 0 秒です。