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[ダウンロード商品]MOJA パターン(編み図)

[ダウンロード商品]MOJA パターン(編み図)

- ポイント
通常価格 $5.00 USD
通常価格 セール価格 $5.00 USD
セール 売り切れ
  • 商品説明
  • English
  • ポイント制度

Katia POLARと、WOOL AND THE GANGのSHINY HAPPY COTTON、2種類の糸で編むミニバッグです。動くたびに揺れるポーラーが、バッグに素敵な表情をつけてくれます。ポーラーは毛先に濃淡がある、リッチな表情のあるフェイクファーヤーン。格子状に編んだバッグの入れ口に結びつけるだけなので、仕上げもとっても簡単です。サンプルではPOLARを10gほどしか使っていませんので、糸セットでも、もっとmojamojaにすることができます。糸の長さなども工夫されて、お好みのmojaを作ってください。ストラップは肩にかけても手持ちしても、どちらでも使える絶妙な長さ。スマホとちいさなポーチだけ入れて、軽やかにお出かけししたくなる、アクセサリーみたいなかわいいバッグです。


KAtia PoLAR 30g

かぎ針 7/ 0号(4mm)

幅 15cm 深さ 12cm(持ち手含まず)

細編み 19目 × 21段 / 10cm






designer : Shiho Matsuda

When worn on the shoulder, the frill of the bag adds a bright color to any outfit, and when held in the hand, the frill is soft against the hand, making it easy to carry even the heaviest of items. For this design, we chose WOOL AND THE GANG's SHINY HAPPY COTTON, a luxurious cotton yarn made from 100% Peruvian Pima cotton, which is grown without the use of any herbicides and hand-picked one by one. The cotton is grown without the use of herbicides and handpicked one by one. Thanks to the unique softness and luster born from the Peruvian sun and fertile soil, both the fine knitted bag and the ruffles are beautifully finished because they are made of SHINY HAPPY COTTON. Since it is knitted with non-stretch cotton yarn, there is no need for an inner fabric. This is a versatile bag that you will want to have a variety of colors as an accent to your usual coordination. Size: 34 cm (width) / 30 cm (depth) Gauge: 14 x 15 stitches/10 cm (fine knitting) What you need to prepare This mini bag is knit with two types of yarn: Katia POLAR and WOOL AND THE GANG's SHINY HAPPY COTTON. The polar shakes as you move, giving the bag a wonderful look. Polar is a rich-looking faux fur yarn with shaded ends. It is very easy to finish by simply tying it to the opening of a bag knitted in a plaited pattern. The sample uses only about 10 grams of POLAR, so you can make it more mojamoja, even with a yarn set. Please be creative with the length of yarn and other details to make your own moja. The strap is the perfect length to use either over the shoulder or hand-held. It is a cute bag like an accessory that makes you want to go out lightly with just your phone and a small pouch in it. Yarn set is here. Sample YARN: WOOL AND THE GANG, 1 ball (60g) of SHINY HAPPY COTTON, KAtia PoLAR 30g TOOL Crochet hook No. 7/0 (4mm) SIZE 15 cm (width), 12 cm (depth) (not including handle) GAUGE Fine knitting 19 stitches x 21 rows / 10cm When you purchase a knitting diagram, PDF data will be automatically sent to the email address you specify. We do not provide a printout service, so if you wish to print the data, please use your home printer or download the PDF data to your smartphone, etc., and print it at a print service at a local convenience store.

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Total 3 pages, A4 size

designer : Shiho Matsuda
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お買い物 100 円ごとに 10 ポイント

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