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『パティさんの編み物知恵袋』 | 朝日出版社

『パティさんの編み物知恵袋』 | 朝日出版社

- ポイント
通常価格 $13.00 USD
通常価格 セール価格 $13.00 USD
セール 売り切れ
  • 商品説明
  • English
  • ポイント制度

判型:A5判 / ページ数:208ページ



このような悩みを抱えていませんか? すべて改善できます!
▼作り目:2 本の棒針でやっても、きつくなってない?

もっとうまく編みたい? 困ったときに教えてくれる「先輩」にそばにいてほしい?




パティ・ライオンズ(Patty Lyons)


Format: A5 / Number of pages: 208 Patti has taught her skills to 100,000 knitters, Patty, who has taught her skills to 100,000 knitters, will help you solve your “problems! We will help you with your “problems”. More than 70 clever and convincing techniques are included. Do you have any of these problems? You can improve all of them! Making: Too tight even with 2 stitches? ▼Gauge: Too tight or too loose? ▼Fuse stop: is the last eye loose? ▼Kake eyes: Why are the sizes not the same on the left and right sides? Elastic knitting and cables: Is the last row of the outer eye so-called “gotame”? Do you want to knit better? Do you want to have a “senior” who can teach you when you have a problem? --This book is for you. Tips on how to maintain a good “hand-hold” when knitting. How to knit at your own gauge. How to solve problems such as eyes that are somehow loose (the upper right two stitches are larger than the rest, the first stitch at the beginning of a row is loose, etc.), and how to eliminate the difference between the two stitches (in the creation of a circular knitting pattern, in a fuse, in a border pattern, and in the neckline, etc.).
Since its publication in the winter of 2022, this book has been a hot topic of conversation among knitters across the United States. The questions you've been asking yourself, “Is it because I'm not good enough that this isn't working?” (Patty's Knitting Wisdom Book).
(From Patty's Knitting Wisdom Book)

Patty Lyons

Tomoko Nishimura
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