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amuhibi KIT | Jump&Fly くつした

amuhibi KIT | Jump&Fly くつした

- ポイント
通常価格 $21.00 USD
通常価格 セール価格 $21.00 USD
セール 売り切れ
  • 商品説明
  • English
  • ポイント制度

British Fineで編む編み込み模様のくつしたです。
両サイドには飾り模様を入れていますので、サイドから見ても可愛いデザインです。(デザイナー 梅本みきこ)
糸 : British Fine(ベース色、柄色)




Socks with a knitted pattern knit in British Fine. Rabbits and butterflies jump&Fly! The larger pattern is knit in a couchin technique, where the yarn does not cross over to the reverse side. The yarn is Puppy's British Fine. It has a similar texture to Jamiesons, which is hard to find in Japan, but the yarn is shinier than Jamiesons, and has a nice supple softness while retaining its crispness. Because it is a bit of a luxurious yarn for socks, you can make a special pair with a slightly more elaborate knitting pattern.
The couchin knitting is a bit more complicated because the yarn is not passed through to the back, but it makes a difference in ease of wear, so please give it a try. The only thing you have to do is to alternate the way the two strands of yarn are applied at each stitch, so once you get used to it, it won't seem so difficult. The pattern is different on the front and the back, so you can either knit both legs together or alternate between the two. Both sides have a decorative pattern, so the design is pretty even when seen from the side. (Designer: Mikiko Umemoto)
Kit Contents
Yarn : British Fine (base color, pattern color) Knitting chart, Knitting check sheet

What you need in addition to the kit: (1) 80cm/3mm circular needles, (2) a knitting check sheet 80cm/3mm circular needles, markers for number of stitches, binding needles, scissors

32 stitches x 40 stitches / 10cm / 3mm circular needles
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お買い物 100 円ごとに 3 ポイント
●カシミア会員さま(直近 6 ヶ月以内のご購入金額合計 150,000 円以上)
お買い物 100 円ごとに 10 ポイント

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