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[ダウンロード商品]pattern | Blooming Socks | amuhibi

[ダウンロード商品]pattern | Blooming Socks | amuhibi

- ポイント
通常価格 HK$32.00
通常価格 セール価格 HK$32.00
セール 売り切れ
  • 商品説明
  • English
  • ポイント制度

西村知子さんデザインの、夏のソックス「Blooming Socks」のパターンです。日本語と英語バーションがセットになっています。夏用に、サンダルやサボに合わせて履いていただく他、カラータイツと合わせて冬に履くのもおすすめです。100gのソックヤーンで2人分編めます。


Blooming Socksを編むのにおすすめのソックヤーンです。


3.3mm (JP 4)と 3.0mm(JP 4)の 輪針 ※それぞれ色や材質を違えるとよりわかりやすいです


ゲージ:メリヤス編みで 26目× 32段= 10cm×10cm

サンプル: 21cm






全 11ページ・A4サイズ

Pattern for “Blooming Socks” summer socks designed by Tomoko Nishimura. The set includes both Japanese and English versions. The pattern can be worn with sandals or sabots for summer, or with colored tights for winter. 100g sock yarn is enough for two people.

The pattern is knit starting from the opening of the footwear. The pattern is an interesting way to knit pretty picots, but it is easier to tell the two sizes apart if the needles are of different colors and materials, so we recommend using needles that are easily distinguishable, such as two different colors, or bamboo and metal, or bamboo and wood, etc.

Sock yarn is recommended for knitting Blooming Socks.

Sample yarns ↓.
CHASKI  1710  
mondim single color
mondim single color
mondim single color ●mondim step-dyed yarn
mominoki yarn

Needles used:
3.3mm (JP 4) and 3.0mm (JP 4) circular needles *It is easier to understand if the color and material of each needle is different.

Tools: Binding needles, (stitch markers) *We will be knitting with magic loops, so you don't need them.

Gauge: 26 stitches x 32 stitches = 10 cm x 10 cm in merino knitting

Finished dimensions:
Leg length: adjustable
Sample: 10 cm (from top of heel to footwear)
Foot length: adjustable
Sample: 21cm

Patterns (knitting diagrams) are available as PDF data. We do not provide a printout service. If you would like to print the data, please use your home printer or download the data to your smartphone and print it at a print service at a local convenience store.

Please note that you can download the data up to 5 times. (The store does not resend the data.)

We have received many questions such as “Where is the data on my smartphone (or PC)?” or “Why can't I print the data? Please contact your smartphone carrier or sales company, or your PC sales company.

Please contact your smartphone carrier, distributor, or PC distributor for more information.

Total 11 pages, A4 size
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